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WordPress: how to customize your website appearance with a custom look and feel with help of WP themes and plugins.

Customizing your WordPress theme allows you to breathe life into your website, giving it a unique and personalized touch. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, tailoring your theme enables you to stand out from the crowd and align your site with your brand or vision. The possibilities are endless, from changing colors, fonts, and layouts to adding custom functionalities. This step-by-step WordPress guide will walk you through the essential steps and tools to transform your WordPress theme into a reflection of your creativity and style, making your website an accurate representation of your online identity. Let's get started!

The Importance of Customizing Your WordPress Theme

Customizing your WordPress theme is crucial for several reasons. Here are some of the critical importance of customizing your WordPress theme:

Branding: Your website represents your brand, and a customized theme allows you to create a unique and consistent visual identity. By incorporating your brand colors, logo, and style into the theme, you can reinforce your brand image and make your site more memorable to visitors.

User Experience: A customized theme enables you to design a user-friendly interface tailored to your audience's needs. You can optimize the layout, navigation, and content presentation to enhance the user experience. Intuitive and well-designed websites keep visitors engaged and encourage them to explore more.

Differentiation: WordPress offers a wide range of pre-designed themes, but many websites use them as they are, leading to a need for more uniqueness. Customizing your theme sets your website apart, making it stand out in a crowded online environment. This differentiation can help you attract and retain more visitors for extended periods.

Flexibility: When you customize your WordPress theme, you can control how your website looks and its functions. You can add or remove features, modify layouts, and incorporate custom functionality tailored to your specific requirements. This flexibility ensures that your website serves your purposes effectively.

Performance: Some pre-designed themes may include unnecessary code or features that can slow down your website's performance. By customizing your theme, you can optimize it for speed and efficiency, which are essential for providing a smooth and responsive user experience.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Customizing your theme allows you to optimize it for better rankings. You can ensure that the theme is built with clean code, structured data, and SEO-friendly elements, all of which contribute to improving your site's visibility on search engines.

Adaptability: As your business or website grows, your requirements may change. Customizing your theme makes it easier to adapt to these changes over time. You can modify the visual design, add new features, or integrate third-party plugins without being restricted by the limitations of a pre-designed theme.

Security: While reputable theme providers often prioritize safety, customizing your theme gives you more control over the security aspects of your website. You can ensure the theme adheres to the latest security standards and practices, minimizing potential vulnerabilities.

Accessibility: By customizing your theme, you can make your WordPress website more accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. You can focus on creating a unique WordPress design that meets accessibility standards, making your content available to a broader audience.

Customizing your WordPress theme is essential in creating a unique website that aligns with your vision and brand, offers a great user experience, stands out from the competition, and can adapt to your evolving needs. It allows you to design a unique online presence that effectively communicates your message and engages your visitors.

Steps to Customize Your WordPress Website

Customizing your website with a custom look and feel involves several steps. Here's a general guide to help you get started:

Choose a Theme

Selecting the right free or paid theme for a WordPress website is a vital decision that significantly impacts its overall appearance and functionality. A well-chosen theme can enhance user experience, align with your brand identity, and make content management a breeze. Consider your website's purpose, target audience, and needed features when choosing a theme. Free themes available in the WordPress repository are a great starting point for budget-conscious users, while premium WordPress themes offer more advanced customization options and dedicated support.

Look for a responsive theme, mobile-friendly and SEO optimized. Additionally, check for regular updates and good user reviews to ensure the theme is actively maintained and reliable. A carefully chosen theme sets the stage for a visually pleasing and engaging website that leaves a remarkable impression on your visitors.

Access Theme Customizer

The Theme Customizer in WordPress is a user-friendly and powerful tool that allows website owners to personalize the appearance and layout of their websites in real-time. Accessible through the WordPress dashboard under "Appearance" and then "Customize," this intuitive interface eliminates the need for coding knowledge, making it ideal for beginners and experienced users.

Once inside the Theme Customizer, users can modify various aspects of their website, such as site identity, colors, typography, header, footer, widgets, and background. The changes made in the Theme Customizer are instantly previewed on the right-hand side, providing immediate feedback and allowing users to experiment with different customizations until they achieve the desired look and feel.

Moreover, the Theme Customizer enables users to make adjustments to ensure a responsive design, guaranteeing that their website looks great on various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Site Identity

Site Identity is a crucial setting in the WordPress Theme Customizer that allows website owners to define their site's core identity elements. These include the site title, tagline, and site icon (favicon). The site title typically appears at the top of the web browser window and in search engine results, while the tagline briefly describes the website's purpose. The site icon is a small image representing the website and appears in the browser tab and bookmarks.

Setting up the Site Identity is essential for branding and recognition purposes. It helps your web visitors quickly understand what the site is about and reinforces the overall identity of the website. By customizing the site title, tagline, and site icon, website owners can create a cohesive and brandable online presence that resonates with their audience.

Colors and Typography

Colors and typography are vital elements in web design, and customizing them shapes a website's visual appeal and user experience. In the WordPress Theme Customizer, website owners can easily modify colors and typography settings to match their brand identity or desired aesthetics.

Color choices can evoke specific emotions and create a cohesive brand experience. Website owners can establish a consistent and memorable visual identity by selecting a color palette that aligns with their brand personality. The customization options typically cover primary and secondary colors, link colors, background colors, and more.

Typography customization allows users to choose font styles for elements like headings, body text, and navigation menus. Selecting the right fonts enhances readability and complements the overall design. A well-chosen typography style can also convey the website's tone and personality.

By customizing colors and typography, website owners can create a unique and visually remarkable website that resonates with their audience, reinforces their brand identity, and delivers an excellent user experience.

Header and Navigation

The header and navigation of a website are crucial components that significantly impact user experience and website functionality. In the WordPress Theme Customizer, users can customize these elements to create a user-friendly and visually appealing interface.

Customization options for the header may include:

Adding a logo.

Setting a header image or video.

Adjusting its size and position.

Incorporating a custom background.

Navigation customization allows users to configure menu layouts, add or remove navigation items, and create dropdown or mega menus for improved navigation.

An optimized header and navigation enhance website usability, help users find information quickly, and contribute to a cohesive and professional website design.

Homepage and Layout

The homepage and layout customization in the WordPress Theme Customizer empowers website owners to design a compelling and organized front page. Users can choose from various layout options, configure featured sections, and showcase essential content to captivate visitors when they land on the site.

Customizing the homepage allows users to highlight their latest posts, display featured products or services, and incorporate eye-catching call-to-action sections. The layout of WordPress can be tailored to suit the website's purpose and target audience, ensuring a seamless user experience. A well-structured homepage engages visitors and helps convey the website's key messages effectively, leading to higher user engagement and conversions.

Widgets and Sidebars

Widgets and sidebars are valuable elements in WordPress that enable users to add functionality and content to their websites without extensive coding knowledge. In the WordPress Theme Customizer, users can easily customize widgets and sidebars to enhance their site's overall usability and engagement.

WordPress widgets are small pieces of website content that can be placed in designated widget areas, such as sidebars, footers, or other widget-ready sections. Users can choose from many widgets, including search bars, social media icons, recent posts, categories, and more. Customizing widgets allows users to organize and present relevant information in a user-friendly manner.

Sidebars are vertical areas alongside the main content where widgets are often placed. They serve as additional navigation or content containers that complement the central part of the website. By customizing sidebars and widgets, users can tailor their websites to meet specific goals, increase user interaction, and create a personalized experience for visitors.

Background and Images

Customizing the background and images of a website through the WordPress Theme Customizer allows users to create a visually appealing and cohesive design. Users can select a background image or color that aligns with their brand identity or enhances the website's aesthetics. A well-chosen background sets the tone for the site and creates a positive first impression on visitors.

Moreover, optimizing images for the website is crucial for faster website loading times and improved end-user experience. Users can upload high-quality and appropriately sized images, ensuring they enhance the content without slowing down the site's performance. Customizing backgrounds and images enables website owners to create an engaging and professional online web presence that leaves a lasting impact on their target audience.


The footer section in the WordPress Theme Customizer allows users to customize the bottom part of their website. This area typically contains essential information like copyright text, contact details, links to privacy policy and terms of service pages, and social media icons.

Customizing the footer ensures consistency with the overall website design and branding. By utilizing this customization option, website owners can make their websites more professional, informative, and user-friendly, offering visitors easy access to essential details while reinforcing their brand identity.

Custom CSS

Custom CSS is a powerful feature in WordPress that enables advanced users and developers to modify the appearance and layout of their websites beyond the options available in the Theme Customizer. Users can fine-tune specific elements by adding custom CSS code, override default styles, and create unique designs.

This feature allows for a high level of customization, making it possible to achieve a truly personalized and distinctive website. However, caution should be exercised when using custom CSS, as incorrect code could lead to display issues or conflicts with the theme. Regular backups and testing ensure a smooth and error-free customization process.

Test and Preview

WordPress's "Test and Preview" feature is a crucial step before applying changes to the live website. When customizing themes or making modifications in the WordPress Theme Customizer, users can utilize this option to preview the changes in real time without affecting the site's live version.

It allows users to assess the impact of their customizations, check for any design issues, and make necessary adjustments before publishing the changes. That ensures a seamless and error-free user experience, providing the confidence to implement changes on the live website.

Save and Publish

The "Save and Publish" option in WordPress finalizes the customizations made in the Theme Customizer and applies them to the live website. Once users are satisfied with the changes and have tested them using the "Preview" feature, they can click "Save and Publish" to make the modifications live for all site visitors. This step ensures that the customized design, colors, layout, and other settings are active on the website, reflecting the desired look and feel that aligns with the website's branding and goals.

Tips and Tricks for Editing WordPress Themes

Try to Customize without Code

Customizing WordPress themes without code editing is easy with the Theme Customizer and page builder plugins like Elementor. Change colors, logos, and backgrounds customize menus and widgets, and add featured images without coding. Utilize custom fonts through plugins, enhancing your site's branding and uniqueness. With these user-friendly tools, create a personalized website that stands out without the need for complex code editing. Remember to save changes and maintain backups for a seamless customization process.

Always backup your website before editing

Backing up your website before editing WordPress themes is vital to protect against data loss and potential issues. Schedule regular backups of your files and database through hosting providers or backup plugins like UpdraftPlus. Consider using a staging site to test theme edits safely before applying changes to the live site. Utilize child themes for significant customizations, ensuring edits are preserved during theme updates. Employ the Theme Customizer or Custom CSS for non-destructive changes. Keep documentation of your modifications and review plugin compatibility. You should update WordPress themes and plugins to the latest versions regularly to maintain the security and functionality of your website. Following these steps ensures a smooth and secure editing process.

Use a Staging site for customizations

Using a staging site for customizations is an intelligent safeguard from potential errors during theme editing. A staging website is a copy of your website hosted separately, allowing you to experiment and make changes without affecting the live version. Using a staging environment, you can test theme customizations, try out new features, and troubleshoot issues before deploying the changes to your live site. That ensures your website maintains its functionality and appearance while providing a risk-free space for experimentation and refinement. Once you're satisfied with the changes on the staging site, you can confidently apply them to your live website.

Create a Responsive design

A responsive design ensures your WordPress website looks and functions optimally across various computer and mobile devices and screen sizes. Use fluid grids and flexible layouts that adapt to different screen resolutions to achieve responsiveness. Implement media queries in your WordPress CSS to apply specific styles based on the device's characteristics, such as width and orientation. Optimize images and media for faster loading times on mobile devices. Test your new WordPress design on multiple browsers and various devices to ensure a consistent user experience. Responsive web design ensures that your WordPress website is user-friendly, accessible, and visually appealing, regardless of the device used to access it.

Version control

Lastly, it's crucial to implement version control for your WordPress site. Utilize plugins like WP Rollback, which allow you to revert plugins or themes to previous versions. While keeping your site up-to-date is recommended, occasional plugin updates might lead to website issues. You can confidently manage changes by employing version control, ensuring a stable and reliable website.


In conclusion, customizing your WordPress website with a custom look and feel is essential to creating a unique, self-designed, personalized online presence. Without coding knowledge, you can easily tailor various aspects of your website through the powerful Theme Customizer, such as colors, fonts, layouts, and images. By taking advantage of the numerous customization options available, you can reinforce your brand identity, enhance user experience, and differentiate your site from others in your niche.

Remember to back up your website before making changes, utilize a staging site for testing, and implement version control to ensure a smooth and secure customization process. With these beginner's guides for tips and tricks, you can transform your WordPress theme into a visually appealing and engaging website that aligns perfectly with your brand and vision.

Useful links / Resources

  • How to Customize WordPress Themes (No Code Needed)

  • How to Customize Your WordPress Theme (WP beginner)

  • WordPress Customizer (WordPress.org)

  • Free WordPress Themes (WordPress.org)

  • Best Responsive WordPress Themes (WP beginner)

  • Support Article (in Spanish)

  • Support Article (in Portuguese)

  • Go back to Web750