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Guide for migrating your website to a new web hosting provider

Choosing the right new web hosting provider is one of the most critical decisions when running a website. Your hosting provider is fundamental to your website's performance, security, and success.

Whether you're a beginner or an average user, understanding the intricacies of web hosting and the migration process can be a game-changer for your online presence.

Importance of choosing a good website hosting provider

Imagine your website as a virtual storefront, open 24/7 to a global audience. Your hosting provider is the landlord of this virtual space.

Just as you'd choose a physical location for a physical store with care, your choice of hosting provider can significantly impact your website's performance.

Here's why it's crucial:

Selecting the right web hosting provider can:

Influence Website Speed: A fast-loading site improves user experience and search engine rankings.

Ensure Reliability: A reputable hosting provider offers high uptime, minimizing the risk of your website being offline.

Enhance Security: Strong security measures protect your site from cyber threats and data breaches.

Provide Scalability: A good hosting provider should offer plans to accommodate increased traffic and resource demands as your website grows.

Offer Support: Reliable customer support can assist you in resolving issues quickly, ensuring minimal downtime.

Common reasons for migrating to a new web hosting provider

Why might you consider moving your website to a different hosting provider? Several common scenarios necessitate such a move:

Poor Performance: Slow loading times, frequent downtime, or unresponsive customer support are telltale signs that your current hosting isn't up to par.

Cost Efficiency: As your website grows, your current hosting plan doesn't align with your needs or budget. Migrating to a more suitable plan or provider can save you money.

Improved Features: New hosting providers often offer advanced features, such as better security, scalability, and management tools.

Geographic Needs: If your target audience is primarily in a different region, migrating to a host with servers closer to them can improve load times and user experience.

Support for Specific Applications: Your website may require applications or technologies your host doesn't support. Migrating can open up new possibilities for your site's functionality.

Overview of the website migration process to a new hosting provider

Migrating your site to a new web hosting provider involves several steps, from selecting the new host to transferring your website files and databases.

It's a process that requires careful planning and execution. This guide will walk you through the most essential steps, ensuring that even beginners can confidently navigate the process.

Importance of planning and preparation

One of the key takeaways from this guide is the emphasis on planning and preparation. Migrating a website is something to be done with time.

Taking the time to assess your current hosting situation, research new providers, and back up your website data is crucial. With proper planning, you can avoid encountering issues and downtime during migration.

Assessing Your Current Hosting Situation

Before considering migrating your website to a new hosting provider, it's crucial to thoroughly assess your current hosting situation. This phase of the migration process is like taking stock of your assets and making informed decisions about your next steps.

Evaluating your current hosting provider

Performance Issues: The performance of your current hosting provider is a critical factor. Slow loading times, frequent server downtimes, or poor response rates can harm your website's user experience and SEO rankings. Take note of any recurring issues or limitations.

Pricing and Plans: Review your existing hosting plan and its cost-effectiveness. Consider whether you're overpaying for features you don't need or if you've outgrown your current plan. This evaluation will help you determine your requirements for a new hosting provider.

Customer Support: Assess the "real life" quality and responsiveness of your current hosting provider's customer support. Reliable support is essential when you encounter technical issues or need assistance during the migration process.

Backing up your website

Before making any changes, creating comprehensive backups of your website is crucial. This precautionary step ensures you won't lose any data during migration.

Creating a Complete Website Backup: Use your hosting provider's backup tools or a trusted website backup plugin to make a full backup of your website files, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, and other assets. Store this backup securely, such as a cloud storage service or an external hard drive.

Database Backup: If your website relies on databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL), ensure you create a backup of your database(s). This backup should include all tables and data. This step is vital to preserve your website's content and functionality.

Gathering Essential Information

Gather essential information about your hosting environment to facilitate a seamless migration. This information will be instrumental in setting up your new hosting account.

Domain Details: Record all domain names associated with your website. Note the domain registrar, expiration dates, and any domain-specific settings you may need to replicate on the new hosting provider's platform.

FTP/SFTP Credentials: Retrieve your FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) credentials. These credentials are necessary for transferring website files to your new hosting environment.

Control Panel Access: If your current hosting provider uses a control panel (e.g., cPanel, Plesk), ensure you have access to it. This control panel may contain valuable settings, email configurations, and other site-specific data you must replicate on the new host.

By thoroughly assessing your current hosting situation, creating backups, and gathering essential information, you're setting the stage for a successful migration.

Choosing a New Web Hosting Provider

Selecting the right and reliable web hosting provider for your website is a pivotal decision in migration. Careful consideration and research are essential for a smooth transition and a better hosting experience.

Researching Potential Hosting Providers

Types of Hosting: Start by understanding the different types of hosting available: shared hosting, VPS (Virtual Private Server), dedicated hosting, and cloud hosting. Each has its advantages and suits specific needs. Shared hosting is cost-effective for beginners, while VPS and dedicated hosting offer more resources and control. Cloud hosting provides scalability and flexibility.

Comparing Pricing and Features: Create a spreadsheet to compare pricing and features across various hosting providers. Consider factors like disk space, bandwidth, number of websites allowed, email accounts, and special features such as one-click installations for applications like WordPress or e-commerce platforms.

Preparing a Checklist of Your Requirements

Considerations for Website Type: Determine your website's nature and requirements. For example, if you're running a WordPress site, look for hosting providers known for their WordPress compatibility and support. E-commerce websites may benefit from providers offering specialized e-commerce hosting packages.

Bandwidth and Storage Requirements: Calculate your expected bandwidth and storage needs. Your website's size, anticipated traffic, and media content (images, videos) significantly determine these requirements. Ensure that the selected hosting provider can accommodate your growth.

Reading Reviews and Seeking Recommendations

To gain insights into the reliability and reputation of hosting providers, read user reviews and seek recommendations from trusted sources, such as web development forums or colleagues. Look for feedback related to uptime, customer support responsiveness, and overall user satisfaction.

Making an Informed Decision

You can decide about your new hosting provider with your checklist and research. Consider factors beyond just cost; prioritize reliability, performance, and support. Ensure that the provider aligns with your long-term goals and can accommodate future expansion.

Remember that migrating your website to a new web hosting provider can be time-consuming, so selecting the right provider you can trust for the long haul is essential. Once you've made your choice, you'll be ready to move on to the next steps in the migration process, including setting up your new hosting account and transferring your website files and data.

Setting Up Your New Web Hosting Account

Once you've chosen a new web hosting provider, the next crucial step in migrating your website is setting up your new hosting account. This phase involves several key actions to ensure a smooth transition.

Signing Up for a New Hosting Plan

Selecting the Right Plan for Your Needs: Your hosting provider typically offers various plans, each tailored to different requirements. Choose a plan that aligns with the needs of your website. If you need more time, start with a basic plan and upgrade as your website grows.

Domain Registration or Transfer: If you're using a new domain name, you can register it through your hosting provider. If you're transferring an existing domain, follow your provider's guidelines for initiating the transfer. This process may involve updating domain authorization codes and unlocking the domain.

Configuring DNS Settings

DNS (Domain Name System) settings ensure your website is connected correctly to your new hosting provider.

Updating Nameservers: Once you've signed up for your hosting plan, your provider will provide nameserver information. Update your domain's nameservers with your domain registrar to point to your new hosting provider. This step might take time to propagate across the internet, so be patient.

Adding DNS Records: Depending on your website's needs, you may need to configure specific DNS records, such as MX or SPF, for email security. Access your hosting provider's DNS management interface to make these adjustments.

Getting Access to the Control Panel

Most web hosting providers offer some control panel that allows you to manage most aspects of your hosting account. The specific control panel may vary from one provider to another.

cPanel, Plesk, or Custom Control Panels: Your hosting provider will grant you access to a control panel, which could be industry-standard options like cPanel or Plesk or a custom-built panel. Familiarize yourself with the control panel's layout and features, as you'll use it to configure your website settings, create email accounts, and perform other administrative tasks.

Setting up your new hosting account is a critical step toward migrating your website successfully. It ensures that your domain is correctly connected to your hosting provider and provides the tools to manage your hosting environment effectively.

Migrating Your Website

Now that you've set up your new hosting account, it's time to migrate your website to the new server. That involves transferring your website files, databases, and configurations while ensuring everything works seamlessly on the new hosting environment.

Transferring Website Files

Using FTP/SFTP: One of the most common methods for transferring website files is using FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or its secure counterpart, SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol). You'll need FTP/SFTP client software to connect to your old and new hosting servers. Connect to your old server, select your website files, and transfer them to the corresponding directories on the new server.

Uploading Through the Control Panel: Many hosting providers offer a file manager within their control panel. This interface can upload website files directly to your new server. This method is user-friendly and doesn't require additional software.

Exporting and Importing Databases

MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Other Databases: If your website relies on databases (commonly MySQL or PostgreSQL), you must export the database from your old hosting server and import it into your new one. This process typically involves using tools like phpMyAdmin or command-line utilities to export the database as an SQL file and then importing it into the new database.

Updating Configuration Files

Adjusting Database Settings: After importing your database, you may need to update configuration files to reflect the new database connection details. Popular content management systems (CMS) like WordPress and Joomla store database credentials in configuration files. Ensure that these files are configured correctly to point to the new database.

Editing .htaccess Files: If your website relies on a .htaccess file for URL rewriting, security, or other functions, review and adjust this file as needed. Changes may be necessary to accommodate differences in server configurations between your old and new hosting providers.

Testing Your Website on the New Server

Troubleshooting Common Issues: Once your website files, databases, and configurations are in place, it's crucial to test your website on the new server thoroughly. Pay close attention to broken links, missing files, or functionality issues. Typical issues may include database connection errors, outdated URLs, or file permission problems. Troubleshoot and resolve these issues to ensure your website is fully functional.

Testing is a critical phase of website migration. It allows you to identify and address operational issues before publicizing your new website. Once you're confident that everything is working as expected, you can proceed with finalizing the migration by updating domain settings and making your new hosting provider your website's new home.

Handling Email Accounts during migration to a new hosting provider

While migrating your website to a new hosting provider, it's crucial to ensure that your email accounts remain accessible and fully functional. Handling email accounts involves several vital steps to ensure a smooth transition.

Moving Email Accounts

Exporting and Importing Emails: If your hosting provider offers email services, you may need to export your existing email data from your old hosting provider's email servers. That typically involves using an email client like Outlook or Thunderbird to export emails, contacts, and other mailbox contents. Once exported, you can import these files into your new hosting provider's email servers or clients.

Setting Up Email Forwarding: To ensure you get all important emails during the migration, consider setting up email forwarding from your old email accounts to your new ones. This temporary measure ensures that emails sent to your old addresses will be automatically redirected to your new accounts.

Updating Email Client Settings

Configuring Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.: If you use desktop email clients like Outlook or Thunderbird, you must update the email account settings to connect to your new hosting provider's email servers. That includes adjusting incoming and outgoing server details, port numbers, and authentication methods. Your new hosting provider should provide specific configuration instructions for popular email clients.

Verifying Email Functionality

Testing Sending and Receiving Emails: After configuring your email accounts and client settings, it's essential to test the functionality of your email accounts. Send test emails to ensure they are delivered without issues, and check whether you can receive emails from other sources. Verify that you can send and receive attachments, access your contacts, and utilize any other email features you rely on.

Testing is critical in ensuring that your email accounts work seamlessly on the new hosting provider's servers. It helps identify and address configuration issues or discrepancies during the migration process.

By carefully handling email accounts and following these steps, you can ensure that your essential email communication remains uninterrupted during the website migration. That ensures that you and your users can continue sending and receiving emails without disruptions, contributing to a successful transition to your new hosting provider.

Finalizing the Migration to a new hosting provider or dedicated server

With your website and email accounts successfully migrated to the new hosting provider, it's time to complete the migration process by finalizing various aspects to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Updating Domain Settings

Pointing DNS to the New Server: To make your website accessible via your domain name on the new hosting provider, you must update your domain's DNS (Domain Name System) settings. Change the nameservers to those provided by your new hosting provider. This step may take time to propagate across the internet, so be patient.

Checking for Broken Links and Missing Files

After migrating your website files and databases, a thorough check is crucial to ensure everything is transferred correctly. Scan your website structure for broken links, missing images or files, and any other issues arising during migration.

Testing Website Functionality

Forms, E-commerce Functionality, and Plugins: Test all the interactive elements of your website, such as contact forms, e-commerce functionality, and plugins. Ensure that forms are submitted correctly, products can be added to the cart and purchased, and all plugins and extensions work as expected. Pay special attention to any custom scripts or functionality.

Monitoring Server Performance

Optimizing for Speed and Security: Optimize your website's performance and security on the new server. Install and configure necessary security plugins or features to protect your site from threats. Additionally, employ caching mechanisms and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to enhance website speed and ensure smooth user experiences.

Cancelling Your Old Hosting Account

You can cancel your old hosting account once you are confident that your website is fully functional on the new hosting provider and all necessary data has been migrated successfully. Review the terms and conditions of your old hosting provider regarding cancellation procedures and any potential refund policies.

Finalizing the migration ensures that your website is live on the new hosting server and functions optimally. Monitoring server performance and promptly addressing issues will create a positive user experience.

Lastly, canceling your old hosting account helps avoid unnecessary costs and ensures your chosen new provider fully hosts your website. With these steps completed, you can confidently enjoy the benefits of your new hosting environment.

Post-Migration Best Practices for Website Owners

After successfully migrating your website to a new hosting provider, it's vital to implement post-migration best practices to ensure your online presence's continued success and security.

Regularly Backing Up Your Website

Schedule regular website backups to safeguard against data loss due to unforeseen events. Your hosting provider may offer automated backup solutions, but it's wise to maintain additional backups independently.

Monitoring Website Performance

Monitor your website's performance, including page load times and server response. Address any performance issues promptly to maintain a positive user experience.

Implementing Security Measures

Protect your website from common cyber threats by implementing robust security measures. Install essential security plugins, keep software up to date, and regularly audit your website for vulnerabilities.

Using Caching and CDNs

Use web and content caching mechanisms to improve website speed and reduce server load. Consider integrating a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to distribute content globally, further enhancing website performance.

Staying Informed About Updates and Changes

Stay informed about updates to your website's content management system, themes, and plugins. Keeping everything up to date helps ensure compatibility, security, and functionality. Additionally, stay informed about changes in web hosting technology and industry best practices to make informed decisions in the future.

By following these post-migration best practices, you can maintain your website's health, security, and efficiency, ensuring it serves its purpose effectively on your new hosting provider.

Troubleshooting Common Issues during web hosting provider changes or moving to the dedicated server

During and after a website migration, it's not uncommon to encounter various technical challenges. Preparing to troubleshoot these common issues can minimize unwanted downtime and ensure a smooth transition to your new hosting provider.

Dealing with DNS Propagation Delays

DNS changes can take 24 to 72 hours to propagate across the internet. If users experience intermittent access issues or see the old version of your site, reassure them that these delays are temporary. Clear their browser caches or suggest using a different DNS resolver like Google DNS or Cloudflare to speed up the process.

Handling SSL Certificate Issues

SSL certificate issues can result in security warnings or site inaccessibility. Ensure that your SSL certificate is correctly configured for your new hosting environment. Check for certificate expiration and renew it if necessary. If issues persist, consult your hosting provider's support team.

Resolving Database Connection Problems

If your website relies on databases, connection issues can occur during migration. Verify that your database credentials are correct in your website's configuration files. Check that the MySQL or MS SQL database server is up and running. If issues persist, review error logs for specific error messages.

Troubleshooting Email Delivery Problems

Email delivery problems can disrupt communication. Ensure your MX (Mail Exchange) records are correctly configured for your new hosting provider. Check spam folders and verify email client settings. If problems persist, contact your hosting provider's support for assistance.

By familiarizing yourself with these troubleshooting steps, you can efficiently address common issues that may arise during and after a website migration, ensuring minimal disruption to your online presence and user experience.


Migrating your precious website to a new web hosting provider may seem daunting, but with careful planning and the proper steps, even beginners can navigate the process successfully.

The importance of selecting the right and dependable web hosting provider cannot be overstated, as it directly impacts your website's performance and security.

From assessing your current hosting situation to finalizing the migration and implementing post-migration best practices, this guide has equipped you with the knowledge to make the transition seamlessly.

Patience, attention to detail, and staying informed about updates are vital in maintaining a robust online presence in your new hosting environment.

Useful links / Resources

  • Website Migration 101: What Website Owners Should Know

  • The Best Way to Migrate a WordPress Website

  • The Semrush Website Migration Checklist

  • How to move a site (Google Search)

  • The Ultimate Guide to Successful Website Migrations

  • Support Article (in Spanish)

  • Support Article (in Portuguese)

  • Go back to Web750