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Effortless Database Management: Plesk for Windows Control Panel's Guide to MS SQL and MySQL

Introduction to Database Management in Plesk

MySQL is an open-source RDBMS that is both free and easy to use. Its name is pronounced "My Sequel" or "Mysql." It is one of the most popular database systems in the world and is used for creating, managing, and interacting with databases. MySQL is often used in web applications to store and retrieve data efficiently.

In the context of Plesk, MySQL refers to the MySQL Database Server that can be integrated and managed through the Plesk control panel. Here's what MySQL in Plesk typically involves:

Database Management

One-Click Installations

Database Backup and Restoration

Database Users and Permissions

PhpMyAdmin Integration

Database Performance Tuning

Version Control and Upgrades

Setting Up MS SQL and MySQL Databases in Plesk

This section covers the steps required to set up new databases, including selecting the database type (MS SQL or MySQL), specifying database names, choosing character sets and collations, and defining other relevant parameters.

How to Create a Database in Plesk

Creating a database in Plesk is a fundamental step in managing your website's data. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you set up a database:

Step 1: Access the Plesk Control Panel

Log in to your Plesk control panel using your credentials.

The Plesk Dashboard is where you'll end up once logged in.

Step 2: Navigate to the Databases Section

From the Plesk Dashboard, locate and click on the "Databases" tab. That is where you'll manage your databases.

Step 3: Add a New Database

On the "Databases" page, you'll see an "Add Database" button. Click on it to begin creating a new database.

Step 4: Select Database Type

You may choose amongst the many database types from a dialogue box that will display. Select the appropriate type; for example, you can choose between MS SQL and MySQL.

Step 5: Configure Database Settings

After selecting the database type, you'll need to provide the essential information:

Database Name: Enter a unique and descriptive name for your database.

Character Set and Collation: Choose the character set and collation that match your needs. These settings determine how data is stored and sorted.

Username and Password: Set a username and a strong password for accessing the database.

Step 6: Complete the Creation

Once you've entered the required details, click the "OK" or "Create" button to finalize the database creation.

Step 7: Accessing Database Management

Plesk will take you back to the primary "Databases" page after the database has been created successfully.

Locate your newly created database in the list and click on it to access its management tools.

How to Manage Database Users and Permissions in Plesk control panel:

Log in to your Plesk control panel.

Navigate to the "Databases" section.

Choose the relevant database you want to manage.

Look for the "Users" or "Access" option and click on it.

Choose "Add User" to add a new user, then enter their username and password.

To modify user permissions, locate the user and adjust their privileges (e.g., read, write, execute).

To delete a user, find the user in the list and select "Delete" or a similar option.

Save your modifications to update user permissions.

How to Perform Database Backups and Restores in Plesk:

Log in to Plesk and navigate to "Databases".

Select the target database requiring backup.

Find the "Backup" or "Export" option and click on it.

Choose backup settings and initiate the backup process.

To restore, locate the "Import" or "Restore" option within the same database interface.

Upload the backup file and begin the restoration process.

How to Delete Databases in Plesk control panel:

Log in to your Plesk control panel.

Navigate to the "Databases" section.

Choose the database you wish to delete.

Find the "Remove" or "Delete" option and click on it.

Confirm the deletion when prompted.

The Plesk database and contents are gone forever.

Importing and Exporting Data in Plesk control panel Databases:

To Import Data:

Log in to your Plesk control panel.

Go to the "Databases" section.

Choose the relevant database you want to import data into.

Look for the "Import" or "Upload" option and click on it.

Select the data file (e.g., SQL script) from your local storage.

Confirm import settings if applicable, then start the import process.

The specified database will receive the data.

To Export Data:

Log in to Plesk and navigate to "Databases".

Select the source database containing the data you want to export.

Find the "Export" or "Download" option and click on it.

Choose export settings, like format and structure preferences.

Initiate the export process.

You can then save the exported data using the preferences you specified.

Troubleshooting Common Database Issues in Plesk control panel:

Identifying and addressing database performance issues can be complex, but following these steps can help diagnose and resolve problems:

Identify the Problem: Understand the symptoms. Is the database slow? Are there error messages? Identifying the issue will guide troubleshooting.

Check Server Status: Verify the database server is running. Use tools like Systemctl (Linux) or Services Console (Windows).

Check Resources: Ensure sufficient disk space, CPU, and RAM for optimal performance.

Review Error Logs: Examine logs for errors. MySQL/MariaDB: /var/log/mysql, PostgreSQL: /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_log.

Check Configuration Files: Validate config file settings like memory allocation, buffers, and cache.

Test Connectivity: Use client tools like MySQL or psql to ensure database server connectivity.

Optimize Queries: Identify slow queries with profiling tools and optimize for performance.

Check Locks/Deadlocks: Monitor for locks using database tools or Plesk's features.

Check InnoDB Corruption: Run consistency checks for MySQL/MariaDB with InnoDB.

Check Table Corruption: Detect corruption with commands like CHECK TABLE for MySQL/MariaDB.

Backup and Restore: If severe issues arise, restore from backups. Regular backups are crucial.

Update Software: Keep database and Plesk updated for bug fixes and improvements.

Review Changes: If issues started after changes, consider reverting for diagnosis.

Seek Professional Help: Consult a professional or hosting provider for precise assistance if stuck.


In today's data-driven world, effective database management is paramount for the success of websites and applications.

Plesk for Windows Control Panel emerges as a powerful ally, offering seamless and user-friendly solutions for managing MS SQL and MySQL databases. With Plesk's intuitive interface and comprehensive features, website administrators and developers can easily navigate the complexities of database management.

From streamlined setup and efficient maintenance to ensuring data security and optimizing performance, Plesk empowers users to harness the full potential of their databases.

By utilizing Plesk's capabilities, you can unlock a new level of control and efficiency in managing your MS SQL and MySQL databases, ultimately enhancing your online presence and user experience.

Useful links / Resources

  • Creating Databases (Plesk)

  • Post-Restoration Database Repair (Plesk)

  • Accessing Databases with ODBC (Plesk)

  • Support Article (in Spanish)

  • Support Article (in Portuguese)

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